In 2023 we commenced an improved transfer process that has reduced the need for a further full assessment and takes considerably less time than the traditional transfer process. The beauty of the process is that it enables the building of a relationship, ensuring that foster carers feel safe and secure, before they make the decision to transfer.
How is the fostering transfer process improved.
We have been told by foster carers of their anxiety around transferring, caused by the fear that the agency they are leaving, will make life difficult once they have made their decision to transfer. We have worked on seriously reducing the time between foster carers informing their agency of their intention to transfer, to the approval being received from our ADM, enabling the foster carer to be in a potential position to formally resign in 4 weeks.
Is it necessary to undertake a further Form F assessment.
Approved foster carers will have been part of a thorough assessment before and very likely will have had annual reviews since being approved. We believe that this information from previous assessments and reviews give us a great deal of what is required about a foster carer’s career, enabling us to develop a thorough pack of information that is required for panel members to make recommendations. It’s vital that foster carers are able to participate fully in the process and be able to reflect on what will improve their fostering experience and their ability to be successful. As foster carers should expect, they will be invited to share their views and thoughts and will have the ability to see the information compiled, before they are requested to attend Panel.
Transferring foster carers will be invited to attend Panel
Our panel have supported our development of the new improved transferring process and welcome transferring foster carers. The preparation of the transferring pack of information, is in line with legislation and supports a foster carer to be transparent about their experience and their ambitions for the future. Our panel members use their time efficiently to ask relevant questions, that inform their decision making and they respect that transferring foster carers are already approved to foster. They work to enable the Moon and Back Agency Decision Maker to be able to make a decision in a timely way, avoiding delays.
How long does the transfer process take
It is not unusual for the Agency decision Maker to be in a position to make their decision about approval within 24 hours of the panel meeting. As a result foster carers can be ready to make their decision to formally serve their resignation within 24 hours of their panel meeting too. The transfer process timing wise, is individualised, because checks have to be undertaken (similar to any job application process) and we are reliant on being able to get checks and references undertaken, but we are efficient and as soon as we have the detail and consent from the transferring applicant, we can commence the formal process required, to be ready for panel. We believe that working in partnership with our foster carers, enables them to continue to be successful and feel valued and respected. Transferring shouldn’t affect the fee and allowance package that foster carers are used to. What we have learned is to work closely with foster carers prior to any formal decision making, to understand the allowance and fees they receive, so that we can be sure what can be done to match it. In planning for the future, we work closely with foster carers to understand what any children and young people, already living with them may need. We also consider the matching of new children with the needs of them and their family and any other children who may be living with them. We want foster carers to succeed and we provide a supervising social worker who is committed to building a relationship that is valued and enables foster carers to feel supported. We believe that foster carers have a right to expect that they will be supported in their role. Once a foster carer feels that they have exhausted all avenues available to them in order to remedy any issues that they are unhappy about, there is probably no other choice available to them, other than finding an alternative fostering agency. Obviously, no one wants to see foster carers leave their agency, but certainly no one wants to see foster carers leave fostering all together. We feel that transferring is an opportunity for a foster carer to get what they feel is going to enable them to be more successful in their role. We provide a confidential opportunity to ask more questions about our new transfer process. If it is something that a foster carer wishes to explore, then its important they have all the information and feel safe to explore further. We advise that foster carers make no decisions to give notice to their current agency until they are absolutely sure, that they have what they need in place for the transfer to be successful and that they feel they will be happier in their relationship. Happy supported foster carers we believe achieve greater outcomes for the children they support.
If you would like more information about becoming a foster carer or our short break fostering option get in touch.