Fostering in Northamptonshire
There are many children in Northamptonshire who through no fault of their own cannot be looked after by their own family.

The benefits of fostering with us
We provide local support for foster carers in Northamptonshire. We work to small caseloads of no more than 10 families ensuring our team can provide the support you should expect. We provide local places for you to meet and take part in training.
Ethical organisation
Holistic and therapeutic approach
Warm caring team
Successful matching process
Competitive financial support
Trauma informed development
Our locations
We are looking for loving homes, in Corby, Wellingborough, Northampton, Kettering Rushden and all areas in between.





How to become a foster carer with To the Moon and Back Foster Care
We are looking for people who are willing to go to the moon and back for children, treating the child as they would their own child, supporting him or her to achieve their true potential in life.
Initial assessment
Once we have spoken with you, we will arrange a friendly visit to your home to answer your questions and reassure you that your home meets the standard for fostering.
Formal Application
When you are ready, complete and submit an application form and we will undertake the regulatory checks (DBS references and local authority checks) on your behalf.
Formal Assessment
You will work closely with one of our social workers who will get to know and understand more about you and your family and help you to learn even more about fostering.
Our training
You will need to undertake our mandatory training course called “skills to foster” which covers a variety of fostering and child development related subjects.
The Panel
Once your assessment has been finished, you will meet our Panel, they will ask you some questions and check everything is complete and you are prepared for fostering.
Formal Approval Process
Once formally approved to foster you will be approved for categories and ages of children. You will receive an induction and ready to commence fostering.
Apply to become a foster carer
We appreciate that you will have considered fostering for a while before wanting to talk further about it. There are things to consider when thinking about fostering.
As a minimum you need to have a dedicated bedroom available in your home that can be used by a foster child so that they have space they can call their own.
What others say about us

Dr Jocasta Webb Psychotherapist and counsellor
Frequently asked questions
Will children go to school locally to where I live?
We work with Northamptonshire County Council to support children who come from nothamptonshire to remain where they are most settled and being able to continue to go to their own schools. We look for foster carers throughout the northamptopnshire county to enable young people to remain connected to their county.
Is it possible to meet other foster carers in my area?
We work to support you to meet and chat with other foster carers. Our foster carers support each other. We have been building communities of foster carers that are close together and we are supportive of theories related to the Mockingbird which enables foster carers to learn from each other and work closely together. We hold Zoom chats too so regardless of where you live you can chat to other foster carers especially during lockdown moments.
Where are you based?
Our head office is in Cambridge, but we operate within the Northamptonshire communities where our foster carers live. Our team, work from home but connected to everyone with the team. Our social workers are selected for their friendliness and ability to build great relationships with our foster carers, but also where they live is really important. We want our team to be able to spend time with you when you need it most and not having to travel so far, that it compromises their ability to support you well.
We operate within Kettering, Wellingborough, Rushden and Corby and all areas in between.
Where will training and meetings be held, will I have to travel very far?
Foster carer development is very important, but it has to fit in with the everyday life of foster carer’s and we want to make it as easy as possible to access learning. We hold online training sessions, via zoom, so you do not have to leave your home sometimes. We organize face to face training as close to our foster carers as possible. We have delivered training in community centers, and hotels, such as the Marriot in Northampton. We look for places that are accessible. We make sure that timings are good for school runs too. We hold conferences which people are willing to travel to as they are great, our most recent one was to be held at the race course in Huntingdon.