How is fostering with to the Moon and Back Foster Care inclusive?
From the very outset our aim was to embrace foster carers as equal professionals and we have so many inspirational women who are committed to making a difference for vulnerable children. They are themselves challenging stereotypes, with more single females considering fostering and evidencing that families can come in all different shapes and sizes. We work closely with our foster carers anyway, but we recognise that having a flexible approach to enabling foster carers to succeed, means we can target carers with what they need.
Our foster mums are remarkable women, achieving great success with supporting children of all ages. We urge any women considering if they can foster a child, to speak with other foster carers about their experience. We regularly provide opportunities for people to speak with our carers about what fostering involves and how it has changed their lives.
You do not need to be in a relationship
We have lots of single carers, so not being in a relationship when you foster with To the Moon and Back Foster Care, does not mean you’ll be alone. Our development and support package is designed to be meaningful and help you to be successful.
You do not have to give up work to be a foster carer
We recognise that some women have worked incredibly hard to progress in their career, and may wish to continue working, again we look flexibly at this and encourage foster carers to understand how fostering might work alongside working too.
Fostering with To the Moon and Back Foster Care is surprisingly flexible, we know foster carers have different needs just as the children we care for.
Some of our carers have given up work to foster and that is fine too and works well for some women who have chosen fostering as a career choice. There is fostering allowances and fees paid to foster carers. What is important is that you have the information to make the choices that are right for you. If you would like to have a chat about how fostering might work for you, you can give us a call or drop us an email and we will arrange to send you one of our enquiry packs.
Our foster mum’s are empowering role models enabling young people to be the best versions of themselves, despite their difficult start in life.
Women make up a significant percentage of foster carers in the UK, a great many of them, single women. Where women are in a relationship, they are very often the primary carer.
Foster carers make a huge difference to children who have experienced neglect or abuse in their young lives. We are very fortunate to work with some wonderful women who are care experienced themselves and who are committed to enable positive changes so that children living in care experience the best we have to offer.
We are working hard to ensure that children who are in care through no fault of their own, experience inclusion and are not treated differently because of their already difficult situation. Foster carers are advocating strongly to promote inclusion and we thank them for their commitment and strength.